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Family Websites
Doughmain's main goal is to help teens and younger children spend their money wisely, while growing up with the proper expectations about how to successfully manage their finances. The Doughmain experience is fun and engaging throughout our entire kid-friendly platform. We strive to teach kids real world money experience and help them handle their money in a safe and responsible way. They learn this through doing chores, having allowances and more. DoughMain offers practical financial experiences for families in a safe, online environment. We organizes a Family’s experiences, time, and money via their computer, tablet and/or Smartphone. The unique thing about Doughmain is that there are so many features and tools to use that everything you could possibly need to raise a financially fit child is right at your fingertips at more info >>
Sharing with friends and family about every day events that hopefully will bring some sunshine into someones heart. There are so many things that God has given us to enjoy and to share with others. Simple occurances that we take for granted might be a blessing for others. Maybe a boat ride to enjoy the scenery, taking care of our pets, being outside working in the yard taking care of beautiful plants and lawn, a funny experience that happens and we just want to share with other. Whatever the situation there is multiple events in our life that others will be blessed by. more info >>
Venturing to the far corners of the planet with a child close by. This is the account of a youthful American couple and their little girl. Have infant, still travel. Presently calling Amsterdam home. This site is a helpful guide to family travel. Articles include where to travel to with children, what to see when traveling with an infant or older kid, and how to make it happen for you. Our family travel adventures will provide details to show how it is conceivable, and sometimes enjoyable, to venture around the world with your youngsters. Follow along as we take on the world one destination at a time. more info >>
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